Art, Emotions and Neuroscience at CENTRO BOTIN of SANTANDER 24th and 25th of October 2024: II International Summit: Arts, Emotions and Creativity
Art, Emotions and Neuroscience project was selected among the top 10 national projects about the Art, Emotions and Creativity trimomial and presented at the II International Encounter of Arts, Emotions and Creativity organized by Centro Botín and Yale University. As what is not messured is not valued, our project scientifically proved our hipothesis about the positive impact of art on society. Using our immersive art experience in VR as stimulus we demonstrated the ability of Art to trigger a big spectrum of people’s emotions, its ability to move the partipants from their initial to a different emotional state and also the cultural gender biass when exposing partcipants to the world of emotions with a message around women empowerment.